The Drug Dictionary is used to facilitate rapid selection of medicines name and ensure the
correct spelling is used.
Use of a standard nomenclature ensures accurate searches for products and other medicines
within MiDatabank.
It is important that you keep your local copy of the MiDatabank Drug Dictionary file up to date.
The Drug Dictionary is currently available for MiDatabank UK and MiDatabank Australia.
Drug Dictionary Installation/Update Instructions
Ideally you will have configured a central location to store your copy of the drug dictionary file.
Please check if you have configured this by looking in MiAdministrator for the field 'Path of Drug Dictionary XML File'. See image below:
IMPORTANT: If this field is empty then each machine running MiDatabank is using it's own copy of the Drug Dictionary file. This could lead to conufsion and errors in the long run and we strongly recommend that you configure a central location.
The best solution is to put the Drug Dictionary xml file into the root of your Attachment Storage Directory.
If the 'Path of Drug Dictionary XML File' field is empty:
- Use the relevant link below to download the required Drug Dictionary zip file to your local computer.
- Extract the XML file from the zip folder and copy it to the MiDatabank program files folder on each machine running MiDatabank.
If the 'Path of Drug Dictionary XML File' field has been filled:
- Use the relevant link below to download the required Drug Dictionary zip file to your local computer.
- Extract the XML file from the zip folder and copy it to the location configured in the 'Path of Drug Dictionary XML File' field.